
Feedback from our participants

Startup Sim
has been used in different versions and numerous institutions over the past few years. Here are some comments from executive and full-time MBA participants.

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Participants share their experiences
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What comes to mind about Startup Sim? What did you get from this experience?
Main challenges you faced? Specific learning in an online context?

Feedback from EMBA participants

Feedback from MBA participants

Academic institutions and corporations using or having used
Startup Sim
include the following:

- ESMT Berlin, Germany
- Jiaotong UCMT, Shanghai, China
- INUKA University, Port au Prince, Haïti
- EM Lyon, Lyon, France
- EURECOM, Sophia Antipolis, France
- IAE Nice, Nice, France
- IUM, International University of Monaco
- Pasargad University, Tehran, Iran
- Daimler Academy, Munich, Germany
- EDHEC Business School, France
- UCAO, University of West Africa, Douala, Cameroun
- Theseus Institute, Sophia Antipolis, France


Academic institutions and corporations
Academic institutions and corporations